Heredia Family

Heredia Family
Lauren, Fabian and 'Cito

Friday, July 12, 2013

Update: - July 12, 2013

New Beginnings

Well, It's been a crazy month and half.  After the trip to Baltimore, Lauren and Fabian began to seriously consider where they should be.  Carlsbad is where their hearts are, but it had become clearer and clearer that they needed to be closer to a top-notch team of doctors to help keep her more stable.  At first the idea of moving seemed pretty insurmountable.  Where to go?  What about her disability -would she need to reapply?

Well, in many ways it seemed meant to be.  Dallas was the most logical choice because she had already met and had begun working with a doctor there she really liked and trusted.  Due to her many trips, she knew the area pretty well.  And she has quite a few relatives in the area (including her brother, Chad, and his wife and kids - little Fabian's cousins).  Once they began to put out feelers, it seemed like everything started to slip into place.  When Fabian's bosses heard he was thinking of moving, they put the word out and he was approached pretty quickly by a another branch of the same pharmacy, but in Dallas.  It seems that they really wanted him, because though the position they were thinking of wasn't ready yet, they didn't want to lose him to another pharmacy, so they created a floater position for him until the position they want him in becomes available.  In the meantime, Lauren found out that her disability would transfer to Texas without a problem.  Around this time, they discovered that it would take about 4 weeks for Fabian's Texas pharmacy license to go through.  However, his bosses in Carlsbad said that he could keep working there until his license came through.  After some discussion, they decided that Lauren should move as soon as possible in case the doctors called to let her know that her surgery had been approved.  That way she wouldn't have to travel back and forth after a major surgery.

All that was left was to find a place to live.  With the help of many people, a pretty terrific apartment was found.  It's in the same Ft. Worth suburb as her Aunt Sally, to whom she is really close.  It's about a mile from a highly rated elementary school and the complex itself is really child friendly.  It has several playgrounds and pools.  It also accepts dogs -  which was really important because Lauren's dog, Chewy, and little Fabiancito's dog, Roxy were moving with them.

So, the week of July 4th, Lauren's parents drove down and helped them pack up.  And on July 5th, they moved in to their new place.  Fabian joined them for the weekend to help get things set up.

Over the past week, Lauren has been joyfully getting to know her knew home and new city.  One benefit of living in a metropolitan area is that they cater to a lot of different diets and health needs.  She has been able to go out to eat and to buy treats like cupcakes because there are restaurants and shops that serve gluten free/dairy items.  Her food budget even went down because there were a lot more options in Dallas.  In Carlsbad, many times she had to special order the food that she could eat.  She discovered that within a very short distance to her new place were several grocery stores that carried her food, a SuperTarget and even, (woohoo!) an In-n-Out Burger (they can serve burgers "protein style" in lettuce leaves, and their french fries are made from REAL potatoes unlike most other fast food places).  With all these options, she is able to do more things that she never could in Carlsbad.  Going out socially was a huge issue in Carlsbad and now she has options.  Shopping was a carefully planned outing and if she ran out of something, it often took awhile for the store to restock it.  That won't be an issue any more.

Most importantly, little Fabiancito is happy.  He called the new home and new neighborhood a "paradise."

And then, Lauren's doctor's called with good news.  The surgery is now scheduled to take place July 31st. There's a lot of pre-op stuff to take care of so she will be admitted on July 30th.

She is in a really good place, surrounded by family.  Soon, Fabian will be there with her and little Fabian.  Things are looking good.  With the surgery coming up, we will of course keep you posted and she can definitely still use lots of good thoughts and prayers as surgeries are always stressful.

Again, thank you to everyone for your help, generosity, good thoughts, and prayers.  It has helped so much.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Update - May 27, 2013 - A Grateful Memorial Day

It's Memorial Day in the US and that means it is a day to remember and honor the servicemen and women who died while serving their country.  Before we share this latest update, we wanted to take a moment to remember them and thank them for their service.  If you know a member of the military, perhaps thank them today.

Before we go into the results of her trip, Lauren asked us to please share her thanks.  She said she could not have gotten through this without all the love and help that came her way.  She said she was humbled by how much support she received.  She was overwhelmed by the generosity of the donors.  While she didn't know who all of them were (as the paypal donations were kept private from her at her request), she was simply blown away by it all.  The funds helped pay for the plane tickets and hotel in Baltimore and also for the recent visit to Dallas for all the other tests.  It was a relief to her to not have to stress about how to pay for things.  Her husband and son were able to go with her to Baltimore and both were a source of strength.  She also specifically wants to thank Sally Lunsford and Jessica Aldridge (an aunt and cousin) who flew out to Baltimore to help out in case she needed it.  They took her sight-seeing at the Baltimore Harbor the day before appointment and gave little Fabian a lot of fun memories at the Baltimore Zoo.

Lauren is back home now and definitely has steps and a plan.  She met with the doctor and first of all, he absolutely agreed that she needs the gastric stimulator.  Her current mode of treatment is obviously not working and even if it were, it would not be a long term solution.  The diabetes, nervous system, and connective tissue disease are the main culprits for her problem. Also her pancreas is insufficient. In most type 1 diabetics, their pancreas can no longer produce insulin, but in Lauren it is not producing digestive enzymes either. This is not a typical problem of diabetics.  Her immune system is also attacking her stomach lining.  Most of this they knew going in, which is why the stimulator seemed to be the best course.  But the doctor at Johns Hopkins also believes that the stomach problem and the diseases might also be causing a small-bowel bacteria overgrowth.  This, he believes, is the source of the near constant pain and discomfort she has felt in her stomach area.  He had her take a rather involved test while she was in Baltimore to confirm it.   

So what does all this mean?

Well, the good news is that this highly recommended doctor confirmed the course of action that her doctor in Dallas is recommending.  A big concern of Lauren's was that he'd disagree and she'd have to start all over again.  So his recommendation is that she get the stimulator (which will mean a surgery to implant it).  Then he'd like her to get a better nutritionist who is trained in Lauren's particular situation.  He'd also like her to get a naturopathic doctor to follow her closely.  The nutritionist and naturopathic doctor will work together to better guide her in eating and balancing out the bacteria.  This means her diet will likely stay as strict and perhaps get a bit stricter.  

The prognosis seems to be that while the damage done is irreversible, they are working to be able to slow down or stop further damage and make Lauren a lot more comfortable in her day- to-day life.  Once the stimulator is in place, she should be able to eat food more comfortably.  The new modified diet should prevent the pain and discomfort of the bacteria overgrowth.  Hopefully, this all means she will be able to gain some weight and, most importantly, feel better.  She was told the malnutrition and low weight will still be a concern due to the multiple comorbidities along with the damage they have already caused, but the thought of better treatment and a step forward in knowledge is a huge blessing.

This is hopeful and good news.  It means there is a plan in place and that two of the top doctors in the country have agreed on her treatment.  It also means that there is hopefully an end in sight to years of pain, suffering, and, yes, even starving for Lauren.  

We don't know how long it will take before she can get the surgery.  There are insurance approvals to go through, but all the recent tests taken and doctors’ visits should hasten the approval process.  Her doctor in Dallas is working on getting it through the system. 

While the updates may not be as regular, we will let you know when the surgery is going to take place and when it is done.  

To add to Lauren's thanks, we'd like to add our own.  We so appreciate all of you for the love, well-wishes and donations.  Each positive thought that came her way bolstered her spirits.  It meant a lot to us to see.  We are all, like Lauren, humbled.  Thank you.  We're not out of the woods yet, there are still steps to be taken, but we really feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  And a lot of that is thanks to the help from all of you.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Update - May 13, 2013

Just a little over a week left until Lauren's appointment at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore and a lot of progress has been made.

She spent the last few weeks in Dallas. She attended the funeral of an Uncle that she had been close to.  She also went through more tests.

Both tests performed show similar results. The endoscopy showed that after fasting 13 hours, she still had food in her stomach. The Smart-Pill test showed that the main problem is her stomach. She produces no digestive enzymes and has no stomach acid.  As a matter of fact, the pH level never reached a normal level throughout her digestive tract, but the doctor believes resolving the issues with her stomach may balance out the rest of her digestive tract.  Her stomach just isn't moving the food through at anything close to a normal rate. I think it was a little scary to hear just how slow things were moving, but she was relieved to hear that the rest of her system was working at a normal pace. The good news in all of this is that this confirmed to the Dallas doctors that the gastric stimulator is the right way to go. There is even a strong chance that with these test results, her insurance may cover it. It will take several months to determine that though.  Her doctor says he has the ammunition.

The next step is one she has been waiting for these past four months. She will consult with the Johns Hopkins doctor next week. She is a bit fearful that he may recommend a totally different course, but she is open to hearing it and more than anything she is grateful to have an option. She really likes the doctors in Dallas, but she wants to do it right and make sure that no stone is unturned when it comes to the right treatment for this difficult problem, especially before implanting a device into her abdomen.

She is, of course, exhausted due to the procedures, travel and general emotional upheaval, but she will be jumping on a plane next week and hopefully seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. She will have family traveling with her and there is family in the Baltimore area, so she won't be alone.

We will update you all when we know more about how the appointment went. Perhaps when all this is figured out, someone else who is going through this will use this blog to see what someone else did in this situation and to know they are not alone.

Thank you all for your continued prayers, well-wishes, messages, and donations. It means so much to her to know how loved she is and even though she is not directly connecting with everyone, she knows that support system is there when she falls.

If you still want to donate or know someone else who does, the instructions for how to do so are below. Again, thank you all so much!

Donated funds go to paying hospital bills, travel bills, and their regular bills.

Ways to contribute:

You can click the button below to contribute to a Pay Pal account that is linked directly to the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia. Lauren herself does not have access to this account, so it is anonymous to her and the funds are transferred to her bank account. If anyone wants proof of their donation, please email (this is not a tax-deductible donation).

You can also send checks made payable to Lauren or Fabian Heredia to:

Lauren & Fabian Heredia
PO Box 942
Carlsbad, New Mexico

This goes directly to them.  And you can go into any Wells Fargo location and ask to make a deposit into the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia .  It may be necessary to tell the teller the account was opened in New Mexico.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Update - April 29, 2013

What a difference a couple of weeks make.  As this is being written, Lauren is currently in Dallas undergoing more tests.  This happened fast.  Even one week ago, she had resigned herself to waiting until her appointment at Johns Hopkins before making any progress.

Late last week, the doctor in Dallas called and said he had re-evaluated her situation and felt that she was in a good position to go through these tests.  He also felt that they would really help the doctor at Johns Hopkins make any decisions.  This is good news because she knows these tests are necessary and doing them now means answers will come more quickly.

On Wednesday she will be getting an endoscopy.  This is obviously a fairly invasive test, but one the doctors consider necessary in order to determine her next steps.  Then the next day they plan to do a test that involves her swallowing a pill camera that sends real time data to the doctor while she is in the area.  Once it's over she will meet with the Dallas doctor one more time to go over the results and he plans to reach out to the Johns Hopkins doctor at that time too.  All of Lauren's doctors say that they will follow the guidelines of whatever they decide at Johns Hopkins.

Due to all of this, she will be staying with relatives in Dallas over the next couple of weeks.  Her husband and son can't stay with her the whole time because her son is still in school and her husband is saving time off for when they have to go to the East Coast.

Lauren is facing all of this with strength, but she is very nervous about the tests and then about her pending visit to Baltimore as it gets closer.  She desperately wants to find a treatment, but it is still pretty scary to go through all of this.

In the meantime, both she and the Lunsford family have been mourning the loss of one of Gary's brothers that past away a couple of weeks ago.  It's been a rough time.

With all this in mind, I'd like to ask that you reach out to her however you can - Facebook messages, emails, letters, phone calls, texts, whatever.  It will help her to know that people are thinking of her and sending love and prayers.  If you'd like to reach out to her and don't know the best way, send an email to and we can send it on to her or let you know of a different way, if you prefer. 

Again, we want to thank you all for your continued thoughts, prayers, and notes.  And thank you again for all the donations.  They really have helped ease some of her stress. 

If you still want to contribute or want to share this so others can, the ways to contribute are below.  The funds go to paying hospital bills, travel bills, and their regular bills while her husband takes time off to be with her.

We appreciate all of you for taking the time to read and share this.  All of the support has been so wonderful.  We have all been so blown away by the kindness and love.

Ways to contribute:

You can click the button below to contribute to a Pay Pal account that is linked directly to the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia. Lauren herself does not have access to this account, so it is anonymous to her and the funds are transferred to her bank account. If anyone wants proof of their donation, please email (this is not a tax-deductible donation).

You can also send checks made payable to Lauren or Fabian Heredia to:

Lauren & Fabian Heredia
PO Box 942
Carlsbad, New Mexico

This goes directly to them.  And you can go into any Wells Fargo location and ask to make a deposit into the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia .  It may be necessary to tell the teller the account was opened in New Mexico.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Update - April 17, 2013

It has been a rough couple of days - for the country and for Lauren and her family.  The horror of what happened in Boston on Monday hits all of us.  Lauren's mom, Lisa, has actually run the Boston Marathon before and it was the highlight of her marathon career.  She had qualified to run Boston again this year, but due to the race already being full when she qualified, she was put into NEXT year's race.  While her family is grateful that she was not in the danger zone, they are - like the rest of nation - grieving for those who were. 

The family is also distraught about the loss of one of Gary's brother's who passed away this week. 

Lauren herself has been battling a bad case of the flu, which can be dangerous to healthy people and especially dangerous to those with compromised immune systems.  Her doctors in Carlsbad are keeping an eye on her and she's been prescribed what medications can be used to treat something like the flu.  Yesterday she was prescribed antibiotics on top of that to treat strep as well.  Mostly she is trying to rest. 

She got some disheartening news from the gastroenterologist in Dallas, who has determined that she should not do one of the tests he wanted to.  They are being extra careful to not put her body through too much stress before a surgery, but of course, every delay is hard on her as well.

She is just about one-month out from her trip to Baltimore and it is both a relief that it is so close and a frustration that it is so far away.  She knows that the doctor in Dallas is planning on working with the doctor in Baltimore and that is positive. 

With all the negativity and the sadness that we are all feeling, she wanted us to again say thank you.  The nature of her illnesses make it hard for her to socialize and all the kind words, thoughts and prayers that have come her way have really helped.  Hearing from friends and family helps her to feel more a part of things.  She also really appreciates all the donations that you have sent, recently and from the beginning.  Again, the donations that went into Paypal are anonymous to her, but she has been so blown by the generosity, she wanted to say thanks to all of you. 

Because of the uncertainty of what will happen, we have no way of estimating how much will be necessary in the coming weeks and months and that is why we will continue to share how to donate.  Her husband will be taking time off to help her and that may add to the strain.  We do want to share with you that your donations have helped pay for her recent trips to Dallas to see the doctor there and some of the medical bills that have come from that trip.  They have also helped pay for her plane tickets to Baltimore.  For all of that, and the continued love and prayers, we wanted to say Thank you.  Thank you so much for everything.

With everything that has happened over the last couple of days, it reminds us of the need to let the ones you love how you feel.  And she really appreciates all of you.

Ways to contribute:

You can click the button below to contribute to a Pay Pal account that is linked directly to the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia. Lauren herself does not have access to this account, so it is anonymous to her and the funds are transferred to her bank account. If anyone wants proof of their donation, please email (this is not a tax-deductible donation).

You can also send checks made payable to Lauren or Fabian Heredia to:

Lauren & Fabian Heredia
PO Box 942
Carlsbad, New Mexico

This goes directly to them.  And you can go into any Wells Fargo location and ask to make a deposit into the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia .  It may be necessary to tell the teller the account was opened in New Mexico.
Be good to each other.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Update - March 30, 2013

What a difference a week makes.  Last week Lauren was hopeful, but waiting and still often in pain.  Now she has some answers.  The doctor in Dallas called to let her know that she is a good candidate for the gastric stimulator.  As you can imagine, Lauren is extremely relieved. 

Now, for the details:  The doctor needs her to get two more tests done before the surgury.  He feels that her problem might not only be her stomach, and he wants to examine how her other organs handle food.  These procedures wil be a bit difficult to get through, but she's willing to do them.  Both she and her doctor hope that, with these tests, they will have a much fuller picture of what is going wrong in her body. 

The tests will take a little time to set up, but should be completed with results back before her trip to Johns Hopkins.  However, the surgury to implant the gastric stimulator will not be completed until after her first appointment at JH.  The doctor in Dallas wants the doctor from JH to go over all the results before her surgery, but still feels confident that it will happen.

Lauren is thrilled to have steps in place to move forward.  She's less thrilled about the invasive tests, but understands why they have to take place.  Her biggest concern now is paying for it.  Her insurance may not cover the tests.  The doctor is hoping, however, that the test results will force her insurane to cover the gastric stimulator.  Nothing is confirmed, but he will do his best. 

The most important thing is that Lauren is feeling more positive about what is coming.  She asked us to convey her thanks to all of you for your continued thoughts and prayers.  It's been tough (and may get tougher), but she knows she's gotten through it because of all the love coming her way.

I know most of you have donated and we so appreciate the help.  We are continuing to post the donation information because as new readers come to the blog, they may want to know and because there are still financial difficulties in her future.  Again, we so appreciate every one of you that have sent money, good wishes, prayers and notes.

Ways to contribute:

You can click the button below to contribute to a Pay Pal account that is linked directly to the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia. Lauren herself does not have access to this account, so it is anonymous to her and the funds are transfered to her bank account. If anyone wants proof of their donation, please email (this is not a tax-deductible donation).

You can also send checks made payable to Lauren or Fabian Heredia to:

Lauren & Fabian Heredia
PO Box 942
Carlsbad, New Mexico

This goes directly to them.  And you can go into any Wells Fargo location and ask to make a deposit into the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia .  It may be necessary to tell the teller the account was opened in New Mexico.

Please share this with anyone who may want to know or who may be going through similar issues.  Thank you all for your continued love and support.  We'll keep you informed on how the tests go.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Update - March 21, 2013

It's been almost a month since we posted last and thought it was time we updated everyone.  There has been some good progress made.  The doctor in Dallas does think she is a good candidate for the gastric stimulator, but he is still researching a few final things before making his ultimate decision.  We appreciate this because, while Lauren really wants some relief, she obviously prefers making a decision based on all the facts so nothing gets missed and problems aren't exacerbated.  She's really hopeful about this.

The other piece of good news is that we are right at the two month mark for the Johns Hopkins appointment.  The flights have been booked.  She was really relieved to find out that her current primary care physician sent her entire medical file to the doctor at JH and that they are already going through it.  Lauren got to speak with the assistant to the JH doctor and she reassured Lauren that they are going to do whatever they can to make sure that she isn't having to fly back and forth.  It sounds like he will go through the file and try to set up any tests or procedures he thinks are necessary even before her first appointment so she has a clearer idea of how long she will be there.  This is a relief because initially, she thought she'd go out for the first appointment and potentially have to go back to NM to wait for any follow up information or appointments.

We wanted to thank all of you for the donations that you have sent.  Lauren asked us to share with you that it has gone towards the recent doctors' visits in Dallas and towards the flights and hotel to Baltimore in May.  Still money is needed to insure things are taken care of at home while her husband is away from work with her in Baltimore.  She has been so grateful for all that you have done, whether it has been emails and phone calls, donations, texts, and even Facebook posts.  She appreciates the support and has mentioned many times how much it has helped.

And we, as her family, would like to add our thanks.  It's been wonderful to see how much love is out there and how much people care. 

We are going to repost the donation information below in case any one would like more information on how to help. 

Ways to contribute:

You can click the button below to contribute to a Pay Pal account that is linked directly to the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia. Lauren herself does not have access to this account, so it is anonymous to her and the funds are transfered to her bank account. If anyone wants proof of their donation, please email (this is not a tax-deductible donation).

You can also send checks made payable to Lauren or Fabian Heredia to:

Lauren & Fabian Heredia
PO Box 942
Carlsbad, New Mexico

This goes directly to them.  And you can go into any Wells Fargo location and ask to make a deposit into the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia .  It may be necessary to tell the teller the account was opened in New Mexico.

Thank you again to everyone who has so generously donated and who has shared this with the public. 

Please feel free to share this with anyone who you feel might want to be kept up to date. And, of course, you are welcome to show your support in emails, texts, calls, prayers and Facebook messages.  Lauren appreciates it all and it all helps her keep going. 

Thank you!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Update - February 28, 2012

Well, it's less than 3 months until the appointment at Johns Hopkins and we feel like we are getting closer to helping Lauren find a treatment and get on the path to feeling better.  Again, we really want to thank everyone for the love, prayers, and donations that have been sent her way.  AND the birthday wishes she received over the weekend.

Last Wednesday, the 20th, she met with the new Gastroenterologist in Dallas, Texas. As a reminder, this appointment was to determine if Lauren was a good candidate for the gastric stimulator.  Nothing was officially decided at that appointment, but she left feeling positive for the first time in a long time.

The gastric stimulator is something that not every gastroenterologist or facility is equipped to do, so she had to wait for a referral and then travel to Dallas.  Travel can be hard on her, and this time was no different.  Luckily she has family in Dallas who she is really close to, so she had a lot of support.
The doctor was probably the best thing that came out of it.  He had a terrific bedside manner, but didn’t lie to her.  He wanted to go over all of her records and test results in depth before making a decision and he wanted to talk to her as well.  He let her know that he could not promise that she’d be a good candidate, but he seemed hopeful.  And that was what was so nice.  He didn’t seem…overwhelmed or baffled by the state of her health.  Again, he made no promises, but also didn’t make dire predictions.  And she was encouraged by how thorough he intended to be with her records before ordering new rounds of tests (which may sound logical, but unfortunately has not been the norm for her). 

He asked if she could stay in town for about a week, but she had more medical appointments in Albuquerque during that time period and he decided not to ask her to reschedule those.
Leaving that appointment feeling positive went a long way for her well-being.

Then it was off to Albuquerque for a birthday celebration with her mom (who shares a birthday with her), dad, sister, husband, son and mother-in-law followed by the medical appointments on the following Monday, the 25th.

Those appointments were mostly follow-ups on her the management of her other illnesses, but since all of her illnesses are being affected by her gastrointestinal issue there was definite “wait-and-see” feeling to all of them.  They would all like to see if she can find a solution to her stomach problems before they can make any other adjustments. 

She’s back home in southern New Mexico now, awaiting word from the Dallas doctor.  And while the travel did wear her out, her overall attitude about the future seems to be better.   We'll keep you updated on her progress and let you know what the doctor in Dallas says.

Again, if you want to help contribute to her donation account to help pay for her medical bills and travel, you can do so via the methods below.

Ways to contribute:

You can click the button below to contribute to a Pay Pal account that is linked directly to the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia. Lauren herself does not have access to this account, so it is anonymous to her. If anyone wants proof of their donation, please email (this is not a tax-deductible donation).

You can also send checks made payable to Lauren or Fabian Heredia to:

Lauren & Fabian Heredia
PO Box 942
Carlsbad, New Mexico

And you can go into any Wells Fargo location and ask to make a deposit into the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia .  It may be necessary to tell the teller the account was opened in New Mexico.

Thanks to everyone who has so generously donated and who has shared this with the public.  We appreciate every positive thought, well-wish, and prayer that comes her way.

Please feel free to share this with anyone who you feel might want to be kept up to date. 

Thank you!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Update: February 13, 2013

We wanted to start off again by saying thank you to all those who continue to send Lauren your support and love through emails, FB messages, notes, letters and donations. She has been blown away by it all and we really think it helps her to push forward during the rougher times.

As we mentioned in the last post, she had a set-back recently when it was determined that the J-Tube was not a good option for her, but that perhaps a gastric electrical stimulator would be a better option. Unfortunately, she would need to see a completely different doctor for this procedure. This left her with a decision to make: Does she wait out four long months of being unable to really eat or digest, potentially getting weaker, to see the highly rated doctor at Johns Hopkins first (before doing anything else), or does she try to see a doctor nearer to her to potentially insert the gastric stimulator to help her get stronger for the Johns Hopkins appointments?

She received a call from her local surgeon reporting that he had located a surgeon who does the procedure in Dallas, where she has family close by.  After a lot of thought, she felt like she should at least meet with the doctor who does do that kind of implant to see if she is a good candidate. Her doctors in NM urged her to set up the appointment. So she will be heading to Dallas next week for a few days to do just that. It's a consultation for the doctor to see if this is a good option and if so to offer a recommendation on how quickly to move forward. She also wants to make sure that anything that gets decided next week is shared with the doctor at Johns Hopkins.

That trip, to Johns Hopkins, is still scheduled for the end of May.

Next week will be a busy week for her and potentially an emotional week for her. On top of everything else, she has a milestone birthday coming up on Saturday, the 23rd. I know she will appreciate any positive thoughts, prayers, birthday wishes, etc.

We're reposting the information on how to contribute financially as a few of us have had some new questions on where to find that information. We are so grateful to everyone who shared this. Please feel free to continue to share, especially if you want those people to have the updates.

Ways to contribute:

You can click the button below to contribute to a Pay Pal account that is linked directly to the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia. Lauren herself does not have access to this account, so it is anonymous to her. If anyone wants proof of their donation, please email (this is not a tax-deductible donation).

You can also send checks made payable to Lauren or Fabian Heredia to:

Lauren & Fabian Heredia
PO Box 942
Carlsbad, New Mexico

And you can go into any Wells Fargo location and ask to make a deposit into the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia .  It may be necessary to tell the teller the account was opened in New Mexico.

As we've said before, every amount will help, no matter how big or small. 

Thank you all so much!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Update - January 30th, 2013

First of all we want to say thank you to all of you who have read the blog, shared it, sent lovely notes to us and to Lauren and to those of you who have donated to her.

She let us know that she was blown away by the kind and encouraging words that came her way and just knowing that everyone is pulling for her helps so much.

One thing we did want to let you know that we found out that the Paypal donations do list names on their account, but Lauren and Fabian do not access that account.  So it is still anonymous to her and Fabian. The funds are deposited from the Paypal donation account directly into her Wells Fargo donation bank account, where it appears as a lump sum.  It was brought up that people may want to verify deposits were received and/or that they would eventually end up in the donation bank account.  We totally understand.  So if anyone would like proof of any kind of payment to her bank account, we can provide it.  Since she is not a 501c3, it is not tax-deductable, but we understand if people want to be sure that the funds are getting to her. You can send an email to with any questions about this. 

And now for the update on her health.  She had an appointment yesterday with the local gastroenterologist/surgeon to discuss the feeding tube surgery.  At this time, they have decided not to proceed.  The surgeon explained the feeding tube is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. The diseases in her intestines only compound the risks of the procedure and management of the feeding tube. This is an unexpected set-back, but hopefully another option has come up.  The surgeon's suggestion instead is gastric electrical stimulation which works much like a pace maker for the heart but instead on the stomach. However, they do not do that type of procedure in NM so he would have to refer her to another doctor outside of the state. Although Johns Hopkins is already scheduled, this doctor suggested the placement of the device to be within driving distance for follow ups.  She was certainly hoping to have some progress made before heading east in May.  This does not mean that she won't be going to Johns Hopkins, just that she may see another specialist within a state away (perhaps Texas, for example) first who may work with Johns Hopkins.  With the change in direction coming from her doctor, she has decided to take a little time to refocus herself on her family and let the doctors work out the logistics. In a weeks time or so we should have more information about her next steps. That'll give her a chance to make the best, most efficient, & most cost effective treatment plan for herself and her family. 

We will keep you all updated here.  Again, thank all of you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers.  It means so much to her and to us.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

How to Help Lauren

As many of you know, Lauren has been fighting several diseases for years now.  The last seven years have been a long journey of medical tests, diagnoses, a few steps forward and many steps back.  Most of you know that she has type 1 diabetes, which she treats with an insulin pump because she needs extremely precise amounts of insulin.  What we know now is that she also has what's called Schmidt's Syndrome or Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 2.  For a variety of reasons, including the time it took to find this diagnosis, she has had several complications that have slowed her ability to simply stabilize.  

One of those complications is gastroparesis (or a condition that causes the stomach to delay emptying, though there is no obstruction).  This complication, along with having Celiac disease and allergies to several other types of foods, has caused her most pressing problem.  She is no longer absorbing enough nutrients to sustain her.  She has lost so much weight in fact, that she cannot properly apply the insulin pump so that insulin is going into her, leading to the frustrating side effect of constant high blood sugars, but eating next to nothing.  It's due to this that her doctors have decided to insert a "J-Tube," also known as a feeding tube,  to help her gain some weight and get to a more stable place.  This tube is inserted into the abdomen and nutrients are sent in directly.  She can still eat with this tube, but it will help ensure she gets the nutrients she has not been getting. This is a temporary plan.

At this point, however, her doctors in New Mexico have decided she simply needs better care.  They have been recommending for awhile now that she go to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, which specializes in Schmidt Syndrome and see a specific doctor.  He specializes in Gastrointestinal problems, but is an integrated medicine doctor.  Her doctors in New Mexico strongly feel that he is the best doctor in the country to help Lauren get to a better place. 

Lauren has been reluctant to do this because travel is incredibly hard on her and, perhaps her biggest concern, the cost.  She is on disability and Medicare and is not sure at this point if they will cover a doctor so far out of her network.  Additionally she will have to stay in Baltimore for some time as tests are run and options are tried.  Her husband, Fabian, will be there with her for as long as he can thanks to the Family Medical Leave Act, but it is not paid time off.  They have a wonderful seven-year old son, Fabian Jr (or, 'Cito to those that know him), who they have to provide for and other bills that won't go away simply because they are out of state.  The fear of the massive amount of debt they will go into is a huge stress on her and stress is the last thing she needs. 

More than likely she will need a surgery in the next few weeks to insert the feeding tube, but hopefully that will get her to a more stable place for travel.

A few of the people who know about this situation were asking how they could help.  Of course, she needs your prayers and well wishes, and perhaps an encouraging email or phone call.  But if you want to help out financially we have set up an account just for that purpose.

There are a lot of ways to contribute.  We've set it up with Paypal so you can donate directly from the link on this page.  Or you can click this button that is also on the top right hand of the blog page:

You can also send checks made payable to Lauren  or Fabian Heredia to:

Lauren & Fabian Heredia
PO Box 942
Carlsbad, New Mexico

And finally, you can go into any Wells Fargo location and ask to make a deposit into the Benefit Account for Lauren Heredia .

All of this will be anonymous, unless you mail a check directly to her, because we don't want anyone to feel obligated or worried if they want to contribute but only have $5 to donate.  Trust us when we say, every amount will help, no matter how big or small.  So anything deposited into the account directly via Paypal or a visit to Wells Fargo will remain anonymous.

Thank you for any help you can give.  Lauren will continue to post on her own blog, but because she may be too tired, we will continue to post updates here as well. And who are "we"?  We are her family and we'll keep you up to date.

Thanks and God Bless!